The Compliance Review Committee (CRC), an independent WADA Standing Committee, held a meeting on 14-15 January 2019 in Montreal, Canada, to discuss a number of issues related to compliance with the World Anti-Doping Code (Code). In particular, these included:
- A comprehensive review of the Russian Anti-Doping Agency’s (RUSADA’s) compliance status; in particular, in relation to the conditions imposed on RUSADA by WADA’s Executive Committee (ExCo) in September 2018 after reinstating RUSADA as compliant with the Code. The CRC developed a recommendation, which was then endorsed by the ExCo at its 22 January 2019 meeting.
- A review of the situation of Code Signatories that are currently on the non-compliance list and Signatories that the CRC may recommend for non-compliance to the ExCo.
- An update on the review of the International Standard for Code Compliance by Signatories (ISCCS), which is part of the 2021 Code Review Process.
- A review of WADA’s long-term strategy in relation to compliance monitoring activities.
- An update on the implementation by International Federations and National Anti-Doping Organizations of the corrective actions identified through the Code Compliance Questionnaire (CCQ) and the compliance audit program, and on WADA’s considerable support to Signatories in their efforts to achieve full compliance.
- An update on the incorporation of Major Event Organizations into WADA’s Code Compliance Monitoring Program starting later in 2019.
The CRC is responsible for providing independent advice, guidance and recommendations to WADA’s Management and governing bodies on matters relating to Signatories’ compliance with their obligations under the Code.