National Bank of Egypt SME Loan
Project number:48543
Business sector:Financial institutions
Notice type:Private
Environmental category:FI
Target board date:17 Jan 2018
PSD disclosed:17 Aug 2018
Project Description
Provision of a US$ 150 million loan to National Bank of Egypt (NBE) alongside a US$ 600 million club deal that includes international commercial lenders.
Project Objectives
The EBRD loan will enhance the growth and development of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in Egypt.
Transition Impact
The MSME loan will increase availability of funding to the MSME segment with a focus on reaching regional clients.
Client Information
NBE is the largest commercial bank in Egypt wholly owned by the Government of Egypt. With total assets of USD 82 billion as at December 2017, NBE has a market share of 26-30% by assets, loans and deposits.
EBRD Finance Summary
USD 150,000,000.00
Total Project Cost
USD 150,000,000.00
Environmental and Social Summary
Categorised FI (2014). NBE will be required to comply with PRs 2, 4 & 9. Under the Loan the client will be required and apply the EBRD’s E&S Procedures for Corporate and Small Loans and submit annual environmental and social reports to the EBRD.
Technical Cooperation
Company Contact Information
Abbas Chams
+202 25945312
Business opportunities
For business opportunities or procurement, contact the client company.
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Email: procurement@ebrd.com
General enquiries
EBRD project enquiries not related to procurement:
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Email: projectenquiries@ebrd.com
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Text of the PIP
Project Complaint Mechanism (PCM)
The Project Complaint Mechanism (PCM) is the EBRD’s accountability mechanism. It provides an opportunity for an independent review of complaints from individuals and organisations concerning EBRD-financed projects which are alleged to have caused, or are likely to cause, environmental and/or social harm.
Please visit the Project Complaint Mechanism page to find information about how to submit a complaint. The PCM Officer (pcm@ebrd.com) is available to answer any questions you may have regarding the submission of a complaint and criteria for registration and eligibility, in accordance with the PCM Rules of Procedure.