The Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT) announces the data of the Survey on Adoptions, with reference year the year 2017.
On the basis of available survey data, in 2017, the total number of acts of adoptions amounted to 393,
recording a 77.8% increase in comparison with 2016 when the number of acts of adoption was 221.
The biggest increase, in absolute values, was recorded in the Aegean Islands, Crete (93.8%) and in Attiki (93.2%).
On the basis of available survey data, in 2017 the adoptions of females amounted to 198 while the
adoptions of males to 187, recording an increase of 75.2% and 76.4%, respectively in comparison with 2016.
The adoptive parents are mostly married couples (husband and wife). In 2017, the adoptions by married couples increased by 87.4% in comparison with 2016. The biggest increase, 162.5%, was recorded for adoptions by parents who represent husband/wife of the biological parent.
As regards the legal status of the biological parents of the adoptees, on the basis of the available data it is
observed that most of the adoptees are children out of wedlock. The biggest increase observed in the number of adoptions in 2017 compared with 2016 was for children in wedlock, by 208.3%.