FYR Macedonia: Railway Corridor VIII – Phase I: Consultancy Services for Project Implementation
Procurement ref:
FYR Macedonia
Business sector:
Project number:
Funding source:
EBRD Shareholder Special Fund
Contract type:
Consultancy Services
Notice type:
Invitation for expressions of interest (loan or grant funded)
Issue date:
19 Jul 2018
Closing date:
09 Aug 2018 at 15:00 Local time
Invitation for expressions of interest
Assignment Description:
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (“EBRD”, the “Bank”) is supporting the rehabilitation of the railway section from Kumanovo to Beljakovce (the “Project”). The Project has a length of approximately 30.8 km, the first section of Corridor VIII in the east of Macedonia.
In order to ensure the successful implementation of the Project the services of a consultant (the “Consultant”) are required. The Consultant will support the Project Implementation Unit (“PIU”) during the period of the Assignment:
Advising the PIU on all matters related to the execution of the contract;
Assisting the PIU with the preparation of the progress reporting required under the EBRD Loan Agreements;
Assisting the PIU in the process of the monitoring of project implementation. Promptly convey information to the PIU about any and every significant alteration, reasons of that alteration and its impact on project completion;
Transfer of knowledge and skills to the PIU staff via training and mentoring over the course of the Assignment;
Providing advice in order to assist the PIU in meeting the Project schedule.
Status of Selection Process: Interested firms or group of firms are hereby invited to submit expressions of interest.
Assignment Start Date and Duration:The Assignment is expected to being in Q4/2018 with a total duration of 24 months ( or in accordance with the approved extension of time for completion of works ).
Maximum Budget available for the Assignment:EUR250,000 (exclusive of VAT).
The Consultant must determine whether any indirect taxes/VAT are chargeable on the proposed services and state the basis for such. If any indirect taxes/VAT are payable, the Client will have to pay indirect taxes/VAT element to the services directly to the Consultant unless otherwise agreed.
Funding Source: The contract will be funded by the EBRD Shareholder Special Fund.
Eligibility:There are no eligibility restrictions.
Consultant Profile: Corporate services are required.
The consultant, as a company or consortium, is expected to have appropriate experience with the implementation of projects financed by international financial institutions. The consultant is further expected to have appropriate international experience in providing consulting services for the implementation of rail projects in a similar environment. Since knowledge of local legislation will be required, international consulting firms are encouraged to associate with, or to subcontract to, local companies or individuals with the relevant expertise.
The Consultant’s team of experts shall include an experienced contract/claims specialist and railway technical specialistboth with extensive experience in similar assignments in comparable locations/markets.Since knowledge of local legislation will be required, international consulting firms are encouraged to associate with, or to subcontract to, local companies or individuals with the relevant expertise.
As such, the Consultant shall assign 2 (two) Key Experts as following:
Key Expert
Contract/Claims Specialist
Railway Technical Specialist
Key Expert 1: Contract/Claims Specialist
Qualifications and skills
Have as a minimum B. Sc. in civil engineering (or documented as equivalent);
Excellent command of the English language.
General professional experience
Have at least 15 years of general professional experience.
Specific professional experience
Have at least 10 years of professional experience related to transport infrastructure construction project management.
Have at least 7 years of experience, as a contract specialist or claim expert in supervision of transport infrastructure projects and experience in at least 2 transport infrastructure projects implemented under FIDIC Conditions of Contract.
Key Expert 2: Railway Technical Specialist
Qualifications and skills
Have as a minimum B. Sc. in civil engineering (or documented as equivalent);
Excellent command of the English language.
General professional experience
Have at least 15 years of general professional experience;
Have a focus of professional experience in supervision of railway construction.
Specific professional experience
Have at least 7 years of professional experience of construction/ reconstruction/ rehabilitation of railway infrastructure;
Have at least one project in supervision of railway construction of over than €50 mil. implemented under FIDIC Conditions of Contract
Submission Requirements: In order to determine the capability and experience of Consultants to be shortlisted, the information submitted should include the following:
(a) brief overview of the firm/group of firms including company profile, organisation and staffing;
(b) details of similar experience of firm or group of firms and related assignments undertaken in the previous five years, including information on contract value, contracting entity/client, location/country, duration (mm/yy to mm/yy), expert months provided, assignment budget, percentage carried out by consultant in case of association of firms or subcontracting, main activities, objectives;
(c) CVs of key experts who could carry out the Assignment detailing qualifications, experience in similar assignments, particularly assignments undertaken in the previous five years, including information on contracting entity/client, project location/country, duration (mm/yy to mm/yy), expert months provided, assignment budget, main activities, objectives.
(d) Completed Consultant Declaration and Contact Sheet, the template for which is available from the following web-link:http://www.ebrd.com/pages/workingwithus/procurement/notices/csu/contact_sheet.doc
The expression of interest shall not exceed 20 pages (excluding CVs and contact/declaration sheet).
One original in English and two copies of the expression of interest, shall be submitted to the Executing Agency, in an envelope marked “Expression of Interest for “486 – Consultancy Services for Project Implementation”, to reach the company not later than the deadline mentioned above.
One electronic copy in English should also be submitted to the Executing Agency’s contact person by email by the same due date.
One electronic copy (by email), in English, should be submitted to the EBRD’s contact person by the same due date.
Important Notes:
Note 1
The selection will normally be made from responses to this notification only. Consultants will not be asked to submit a proposal. The highest-ranked Consultant will be selected from a shortlist and be invited to negotiate the contract, subject to availability of funding.
Note 2
The evaluation criteria are as follows:
Firm’s experience in Project Implementation Support, including specific experience in the rail sector – 20%
Firm’s experience in project with procurement of international financial institutions, such as the EBRD, World Bank or ADB – 20%
Skills and experience of the proposed Contract / Claims Specialist – 30%
Skills and experience of the proposed Railway Technical Specialist – 30%
Executing Agency (Client): Ministry of Transport and Communication (MoTC)
The Client Contact Person:
Svetlanka Popovska, Assistant head of the Railway Department
Ministry of Transport and Communications
Dame Gruev No 6
1000 Skopje
Republic of Macedonia
e-mail: svetlanka.popovska@mtc.gov.mk
The EBRD Contact Person:
William Power
e-mail: powerw@ebrd.com